Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Girl's Night + Michael
We went to a play as a family to Hale Theatre and then we went and saw Titanic in 3D

I'm giving up after this post. This blooger has changed and I don't like it anymore.
I can barely make a post so after 3, I'm spent.

Double Date
Michael and I went on a double date with these two love birds
 We went to the Cheesecake Factory

My China

It's been so long since I posted I can't remember how to do this all :(
But this is my new fine China. I was able to buy 12 sets with some of our gift cards from our wedding.
I've always wanted my own. Michael thinks it looks like Christmas but I diagree, I think it can be used for anything. I want a China cabinet now but Michael doesn't know where we'd put it, so true so I get to wait.

 But hopefully you can see some of the detail on here. I love them. The lady stood on top of the tea cup and it didn't break. It's bone China so it's supposed to withstand better. So hopefully when the kids drop them they won't break (or chip). Happy days for me. Now I need to use it.