Yesterday night I had the lovely pleasure of giving myself a shot of HCG! Trev and I went to the doctor yesterday to make sure that my body was getting ready to ovulate. I have been reading the ovulation pee sticks wrong for months. That was awesome to realize. Well, my body is doing what I thought, but about 2 days later then I have been predicting. So, to ensure ovulation when we wanted it, I had to give myself this shot. My body will think it's pregnant and push out the egg that's sitting there ready to drop. So, I have dupped my body. ha ha. We are doing IUI tomorrow afternoon. I think that last time IUI didn't work because I was a few days off. So, this time will be a good shot. No pun intended. The doctor said that everything looks good. Meaning my uterus and ovaries and potential eggs. When the doctor was telling us how many eggs I had in my right ovary he said 10! I about freaked out. Then he clarified that ONE was ready now and there are 10 more for later. Phew, I want twins but not 10 at once. He said we could be on a reality show. I said no thank you. I don't want people judging my every move. So, we are only telling family. Please keep this stuff to just us. Hopefully we will have the bestest news in two weeks!

I love Sarah's post. It's nice to hear positive things about snow. I'm surrounded by people who don't like snow. It seems like all I hear is "I hate snow". What boring people they are. hee hee
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