I was trying to post two videos of me and Landon but they wouldn't load. I just wanted to drop in and say I'm leaving FL two weeks from today!!! But I'm heading to DC then home. I have very mixed feelings about leaving. I have grown so much down here. Especially spiritually. I have been able to go out with the sisters many times and seen three people get baptized. I am so amazed at their testimonies. They are so strong, even without family support. Anyhoo...I have been really happy this last week. I finally feel peace again. There is currently a job opening at one of UCP's facilities and...in the fall, there will possibly be an opportunity to work in the same facility I have been doing my internship at. It gives me something to think about this summer. If I get the job at Primary's, I will for sure be staying. But this whole choosing a job/life/home thing is really hard and kinda stressful.
Another mixed feeling about leaving is that I have made so many friends in the last few weeks. It's like suddenly it all clicked together. Too bad it didn't happen two months ago. But then again, life was changing a lot 7 weeks ago. So I'm not sure it could have happened.
Suzy, this picture is for you and Trevor. It is my friend's great dane. The one who's dad joked about getting rid of. Her name is Jane. She and Marley got along really well. They pretty much became BFF's.

By the way, the pictures on this post are from Utah. But this is Candy giving me a hug while I was doing homework.

And this is Candy helping me procrastinate homework. I'm glad she is a small animal.