So for a long time I've fought the battle of cutting my hair. I gave up on donating and plus I am not ready to go short(er). To me this is short but others still think its long. The shortest cut length was 3" but sure seems more. I got long layers and the front is tappered down so I think it was like 3-6(7)" of cutting for random parts of my hair. I'll have Michael take some better pictures sometime from the back and stuff but this is just when I got hom from the chopping block. Hope you like it. Makes me crazy its so short, it just feels like a foot even though it wasn't. This was hard enough, haha.

It's hard to see but the front layers start right at my chin and tapper (spelling??) down so they are slight but maybe if they're curled you'll see them more--we'll find out. I'll play around and find out. However, this haircut was nice cause I really have no split ends since sooooo much was cut off. My hair was below my boobs for all these years so with it above them its weirdo!
Okay enough about haircuts...I could go on for ahwile I'm sure. Crazy Sarah! Luvs
Your hair looks wonderfully healthy. I can't see the layers a ton but, I can see the difference in your hair length. Good job for being so brave.
You are crazy! It looks good though. Hope to see you soon.
Your hair is beautiful as ever! Remember when I totally chopped my hair that first summer in Utah? Washing it for the first time was so weird.
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