Monday, March 19, 2012

I have caught up my reading here again. Thank you Melissa for explaining the comments however once I went to read them I could hardly get back to the posts; alas 'tis a tortuous journey. I am happy you are a little better Melissa. I worked out today by shoveling snow for hours! I am sure the energy used will show up again before I get to the scale (energy=fat), but that way I don't have to worry about buying all new clothes because I too thin. :) Suzy noticed my office is a bit cleaner, yeah!! Thank you Melissa for the borrowed post on handling anger, I enjoyed renewing my commitment to not regret saying something, ie being careful with the words coming out of my mouth. Well I need to go fix a casserole and freeze it for the homeless shelter. I am so darn good I can hardly stand myself! Hee hee


Melissa said...

I laughed pretty hard when I read that you had labeled your post as "Dull and uninteresting notations." You are both funny and fabulous!

Bev said...

Thank you very much. How do you all have those cute pictures when I see the comments in this window? (wherever I am) I have to run now to get my toilet part. I have no idea how I labelled my comment. Maybe the blog did it by itself.