Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I live in Springdell...Again!

So, Trevor, Shelby and I have officially moved all of our stuffs into the "Pierson house" next door to Mom & Dad. How weird is that? We have been spending every single spair second moving, cleaning, fixing, etc. We have had soooooooo much help it's amazing. I am so darn exhausted. We have a great view of Timp from our bedroom. Every morning I have to retrain myself to NOT think of the Fisk's. It's hard, It is too weird to think of it as their house. Can I just tell you that Trevor is doing so fantastic. I don't mean to praise him like a child but, it has amazed me at how he is dealing with all of the house fixings and poopy interet connection. I know to most this seems silly but, to Trevor...electronics...internet...are so important. We have only begun to sacrifice things for this home.

The first night we slept there, the furnace stopped working. Which you may think is no big deal. But, it was the day after this last snow fall, in the canyon and it was about 45-50 degrees with no heat. Man, Shelby and I wore so many layers. Mom lent us her space heaters. Trevor of course was warm and cozy. He is literally a furnace.

I'll post pics of Mom's house before, in the middle and afters of the carpet remodel. That was sooo hard. So much time spent in Springdell this past month and a half. It's like I am a kid again. hee hee

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