Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I'm Engaged!!!

Since I'm sure you all heard the story...I'm still going to repeat it on here. Quick & short. Michael and I go up behind The Capitol a few times a year for relax and sunset. I'd never been there until him so it's something special for me with him in our relationship. Everytime we go up I always want to take pictures. So we have quite a few, but for this night I'm so glad I did. This is a picture prior to the proposal.

This is our first picture after proposal, hugging, kissing & some crying!
I called my Mom very first and then we went to his family's house and told them all the news. It was Shelby's 16th birthday party so we told the parents separately but soon after Michael gave Shelby a hug and told her he got her a new sister for her birthday. She was confused at first so he told her we got engaged and she was so excited and came to hug me. As we were hugging the family was confused so I yelled out "We're getting married!" They all jumped & screamed. It was quite fun. Than Shelby went back to partying business so don't worry, we didn't steal her thunder, she was happy we told them all then. Here are some pictures at their house.
Love this one!

My weight lifting finger now :) Love my ring!

Thanks to everyone for being excited and happy for us. I'm happier than I thought I could be. I love being able to think about my future and plan things with him in it. Knowing we'll be together forever is so comforting. Wedding plans are going awesome and are still so fun for me. P.S. We have a date!

Some randomness

It's been so long since I've blogged, I don't remember how to do pictures in order, so oh well.
Flowers Michael sent me to work, it had been a bad couple days.

When they first arrived
Lexy sleeping

Michael & Buddy holding hands

I LOVE Tetris. Michael has it on his phone. I hadn't played it in awhile but that was good luck because I did better this night than ever in my life. I think my score was over 3 million!!! I was on level 67 and stuff. My hands were so sore after, when I asked Michael how long I had played he said like 1.5 hours...(I was supposed to be studying but I can always find something else to do). Regardless it was fun and I'm proud of my score!

Exhausted from their 'hard' life :)

Buddy tucked himself to bed but forgot his feet outside the blanket.

I went to Mary Poppins with Michael's family for 3 of their birthdays (including Michaels), but Michael ended getting really sick that day so it was just me w/the family so I'm solo in the pictures. It was a good play, but I'd suggest not spending money on it.

Dad bought this in Missouri and I love it!

Happy Tuesday!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Holy Crap...

I went to my masters class on Tuesday, and I am going to have a challenge getting everything done on-time to graduate this fall. I have got to have everything ready and defend my paper by the first week of Nov. Wish me luck and during the month of Oct. watch out for wild bouts of tears from me. :)