Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My goodness I have a hard time remembering how to do this.  If stupid is as stupid does, I am doomed.  Since this seems to be place for venting or letting your light shine I thought I would write how I got the guts of my toilet changed out (after Michael loosened the nut which I couldn't get).  Yeah!  Then the handle thingey broke (crud) and I went to Loews to get the replacement part, which I did and opened everything, giving myself a blood blister trying to loosen the nut on the old handle, and found I had bought the wrong replacement part! This one has to be at the end of the tank not on the front!! Scream nasty things *&^%^&*(#$%#!!!!  So now do I go back right away or leave it undone for another night?  I have cub scouts in a couple hours and need to remember how to do a flag ceremony with our little wolves plus the stuff I was really supposed to do today ; ).  Decisions . . . decisions . . . maybe I should go eat ice cream . . . oh, I already did the other day & it is gone, ugh. OK, decision made, going to look up simple ceremony (since I can't easily access my cub stuff) then go get the part.  Cross your fingers - you out there in - where are you?  Who are you? Anybody there?

1 comment:

Melissa said...

This was a perfect post! Funny- and I hope that when you come back to the blog you have finished fixing the toilet. I know you can do it- you're the first person I turn to when I can't figure out how to do something.