Friday, January 7, 2011


I still need to buy a battery charger for my camera. Apparently this runs in the Black family gene since Mom, Aunt Suzanne, and I are all having problems with it. So I have no pictures from FL yet. But there isn't a lot to take pictures of at the moment. Orlando is not so beautiful when you drive ALL over it finding places that close when you get there or are the wrong places. :) Especially when you are sick at the same time. But who is complaining? But really, I like being here. The first night I had a little stab of that loneliness. But nothing like I had in CT. I've experienced being completely alone and not knowing a soul. So this is my second go-around, plus I know people.

I found out I work just down the street and around the corner from Brandt and Nicole's. So I will get to see them semi-often. I hope to see the boys semi-often as well. Aunt Suzanne and I had a girls night tonight and I went to bed at 10 (before her). But now it is 1am and I still have not fallen asleep. Grr. And we decided we're going to a local Irish Pub on St. Patrick's day. She said they have really good Irish food. Yea! I also got her thinking about going down to the Keys so that we can drive on the highway that goes over the ocean!!! Plus, I'm going to try to train for a 1/2 marathon. Phew...I'm tired just writing about it. But not tired enough to fall asleep.

I took this picture with my phone. It is on 2-15 on my way to school in the morning. It is just before you go around the bend. It's so pretty. :)

My friend, Katharine, made her hat (she made one for me too). And we were invertly matching!!

love me

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I have always wanted to drive down that Key West highway that they show in movies. It looks like it would be amazing. Let me know when you are doing that and maybe I can coordinate my visit with your highway trip.

Good luck on seeing the boys, and that's awesome that you get to work so close to Brandt and Nicole's house. Their little one is such a cutie!

I am trying to figure out a way to get down there and visit Erin's little one. So many boys in Florida!

Sure do love you and am glad you made it safe!
~ Lissy