Monday, March 26, 2012


So, Sarah told me our blog is public. For some crazy reason I thought it was private. What do you want? By you I mean everyone. It is easy to make private. We can invite the people who have been following up to this point. e.g. Becka and Tiffany.



Melissa said...

I think Camille, Aunt Ramona, and Aunt Suzanne read it from time to time too. Do we want it private?

Tiffy Ann said...

Private is a little bit more of a hassle because instead of just letting people know the address of your blog, you have to get their email and send them an invite. Really you just need to figure out if you want the whole world to see what is going on with you or not. :)

Suzy Q said...

I don't even know how people find blogs without already knowing about them. I tried to google our blog and I got nothing. I personally do not care one way or the other. I was just curious how everyone else felt.

Bev said...

I am with Suzy. I just won't publish that I have a bank account with the number 69842 at the Zions Bank branch on 6th North in Orem, then I don't have to worry.