Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Don't understand . .

I saw the comments on the lower right side of this blog & don't understand several things:
1. How did they get there?
2. Why are those characters intermingles with the alphabet? What does that mean?

The internet, home phone and cell phone all went down this afternoon for a while and while I thought that might be a great quiet moment Richard got the heebie-jeebies (try sounding out phonetically). So I drove out of the area & low and behold got reception. Turns out someone cut a line, figures. I am so glad that is one worry I do not have to maintain anymore. In fact I am striving to eliminate worries from my mind. I have looked over the years and generally the worst things (perceived worries) have not happened and oftentimes even the smaller worries have only taken up the energy needed to actually accomplish other "real" things.

While this should put me closer to heaven don't hold your breathe waiting for me to be translated. I imagine this process is going to be long and tedious but I seem to have reached a stage where what I think shows on my face so I have to be more positive so fewer wrinkles are embedded into my "canvas". I don't want to end up scaring small children.

Okay this is is. Deep thoughts bubbling up for inspection by others - oh the fear!!!

I may never "publish" this, keep seeing problems. Anyway the chickens and I reached a record today - (drum-roll) - 7 eggs in one day!!!! Yeah!!!!!!


Melissa said...

The comments on the side are comments that people have left about posts. You just have to click on the "0 comments" and it is a link to leave a comment. The funny symbols are the font's interpretation of characters it doesn't know. Silly.
Your canvas is beautiful and I'm proud of your constant improvement.
Thanks for sharing!

Suzy Q said...

Hooray eggs. Maybe it's because of your positiveness. ?!?!

Melissa said...

Speaking of eggs, last night I dreamed that you were prego. It was so very real I woke up thinking it was still true.
Your time is coming soon- I can feel it.