Wednesday, February 29, 2012

All sunshine makes a desert...

Happy Leap Day! Quick little update- all about me! I am helping Amy with Emily's shower this Saturday, and if I don't see you there I will see you Sunday.

Buddy and I went to the dog park earlier this week and one of the new friends he made is a minpin, but she was much closer to the Dauchund? side of the breed (Buddy is closer to the Italian Greyhound side) because she had short little legs and a long back. She was excited to play with Buddy and they would jump up and around, and then run. Buddy would fly down the field and she would eventually give up trying to catch up to him and come back to her owner. Buddy would figure this out and then it would start all over. This little minpin must have stuck in my head though, because last night I had a dream that Buddy and went somewhere and then I came back home with a little minpin, but not my Buddy. The new little one crapped and left liquid deposits all of the house and was always wanting to lick me or jumping. I was crying trying to figure out how to get my Buddy back.

When I woke up my little Buddy was there, his head on the pillow next to me. He frequently sleeps on his back with all 4 of his legs in the air, so I touched his tummy and told him how glad I was to have him. After my dream I expected him to snuggle closer or something, but he just grunted and rolled over. I think he just wanted to stay sleeping.

I know he is just a dog, but I am so glad he is my little best friend.

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